Poslije intenzivnog bombardiranja
ruskog ratnog zrakoplovstva na sve Asadove protivnike i snaga ISIS-a, vojni
analitičari kažu da je u pripremi velika kopnena ofenziva. Njome bi sirijska
vojska, uz nastavak ruske podrške iz zraka zajedno s iranskim vojnicima te pripadnicima
Hezbolaha, pokušala nadjačati protivnike na frontu kod sirijskog grada Alepa.
Također se smatra kako bi ofenziva mogla dodatno razjariti službenu Ankaru,
koja je dosad aktivno pomagala razne militantne grupacije u borbi za zbacivanje
Asadova režima s vlasti, a izrazila je i duboku zabrinutost zbog ruskih vojnih
udara. Tu zabrinutost dijele i turski saveznici u NATO-u, pogotovo nakon dvaju
incidenata u kojima su ruske vojne letjelice upale u turski zračni prostor. U Alepu
je mjesecima vladao status quo, istočne dijelove grada kontrolirali su Asadovi
protivnici, uglavnom militanti povezani s al-Qaidom, a zapadne dijelove same
Asadove snage, koje su na protivnički tabor povremeno bacale bombe iz aviona,
ali unatoč čestim uličnim bitkama, dvije su strane općenito ostale ukopane oko
istih linija razgraničenja. U zadnje vrijeme prema Alepu se kretala Islamska
država, koja je proteklog vikenda, osokoljena ruskim udarima na Asadove, a
ujedno i svoje protivnike, osvojila nekoliko sela sjeverno od grada, a u jednom
se trenutku približila na samo dva kilometra od gradskog središta. Kako
javljaju neki zapadni mediji više nije tajna da su tisuće Iranaca u Siriji. Napad
će početi uz iransku vojsku što je Iran javno priznao kada je u Siriju slao isključivo
svoje ljude u funkciji vojnih savjetnika ali u to malo tko vjeruje jer je vrlo
utjecajni general Revolucionarne garde Hossein Hamedani navodno ubijen na tome
djelu ratišta.
Battle for Aleppo. After an intense bombardment of the Russian Air Force on all Assad's opponents and strength of ISIS, military analysts say that in the preparation of a large land offensive. It would Syrian army, with continued support from the Russian air along with Iranian soldiers and members of Hezbollah, tried to overpower opponents on the front lines in the Syrian city of Aleppo. It also believes that the offensive could further enrage the official Ankara, which has so far actively assisted various militant groups in the struggle for the overthrow of the Assad regime from power, and also expressed deep concern over the Russian military attack. This concern is shared by Turkish allies in NATO, especially after two incidents in which Russian military aircraft inflammation in Turkish airspace. In Aleppo, for months ruled the status quo, the eastern parts of the city controlled the Asad opponents, mostly militants linked to al-Qaida, and the western parts of the Assad forces, the opposition camp occasionally throwing bombs from the plane, but despite frequent street battles, two the generally remained entrenched over the same line of demarcation. Lately the Aleppo ranged Islamic State, which was last weekend, the emboldened Russian strikes against Assad, as well as his opponents, won several villages north of the city, at one point approached at only two kilometers from the city center. According to reports of some Western media is no longer a secret that thousands of Iranians in Syria. The attack will begin with the Iranian army as Iran publicly acknowledged when Syria sent its people solely as a function of military advisers but little who believes because it is very influential general of the Revolutionary Guards Hossein Hamedani allegedly killed on that part of the battlefield.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYn sicr mae llawer o amser yn meddwl pam fy cyfuniad o rifau byth yn ennill? Ystadegau un mor debygol y bydd rhywun yn ennill i ennill cyfuniad a ddewiswyd ar hap, neu trwy fynd i mewn i'r rhifau 1-12 cynrychioli misoedd y flwyddyn geni ond mae ymchwil wedi dangos bod y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn dewis dim ond y rhifau sy'n cyfateb i ddyddiau y mis a'r drefn misoedd y flwyddyn, sy'n cynyddu'r y cyfle bod mwy o bobl yn cael debyg neu'r un cyfuniad, gan leihau cyfanswm yr ennill y gall un ennill. Dda gwybod bod y rhan fwyaf o'r cyfuniad sy'n cynnwys y rhifau 1-12 neu 1 i 31, ac braidd neb deialu rhifau uchod 32. Dangosodd yr arolwg bod y nifer 11 deialu amlaf, sy'n cael eu dilyn yn 16.5 y cant o'r cyfuniad, a'r lleiaf rhif 37, a ddewiswyd yn unig 10.3 y cant o achosion. Dywedir nad oes unrhyw ddamcaniaeth neu gyfuniad o rifau y mae'r loteri ddaeth â'r cynnydd mwyaf. Yn ystadegol, mae pob rhif, hy. Unrhyw gyfuniad cael cyfleoedd cyfartal i ennill. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn dewis rhifau yn ôl sampl, a'r ffaith yw ei fod yn debyg iawn i gyd.