Russians seem to have taken respite in the attacks on ISIL. Even in tuesday the Russian air force attacked the positions of the opponents of the Syrian president about 88 times, which was the largest number of air strikes in a single day since the start of the action. After that the Russian Ministry of Defense has emerged that will reduce the incidence of stroke military aviation. Analysts see it as securing land offensive in which he just started Assad's army on at least two fronts.
Rusi su izgleda uzeli predaha u napadima na snage ISIL-a. Još u utorak je ruska vojna avijacija napala položaje protivnika sirijskog predsjednika oko 88 puta, što je bio najveći broj zračnih udara u jednom danu od početka akcije. Nakon toga rusko ministarstvo obrane javilo je da će reducirati učestalost udara vojne avijacije. Analitičari na to gledaju kao osiguranje kopnenoj ofenzivi u koju je upravo krenula Asadova vojska na najmanje dva fronta.