srijeda, 22. srpnja 2015.

Way of learning the history of former Communists in Croatia

Umag - In the camp Veli Joze in Umag, held the second consecutive year the Summer School of Peace for students aged 15 to 23 years from Croatia. Antifascist Union and soldiers of the 2nd World War, with the support of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, has launched a project of the School of Peace with the intention of anti-fascism and the National Liberation War and the values ​​that emerged from that time, young people continue to value and developed in the context of the present time when intolerance, hate speech, social indifference and insensitivity exaggerated. Although in its program there is no word about communist crimes at the time of the continue this history Croatian regions before the start of World War II and the reasons for the emergence of the fascist state of NDH, no talking about the Chetnik movement in Croatia before World War II, no talking either about Greater policy as well as on other important topics from the history. Children and young people who take part in the "Summer School of Peace" listen only on anti-fascism in Croatia by the end of the Second World War, of brotherhood and unity as a way to co-existence in Istria, fascism and anti-fascism in the Croatian public discourse, extremism in today's perspective, esula and optants , totalitarianism, the Holocaust, human dignity and human rights. Look at the history from only one point of view will certainly not help ostavarenju desired objectives of the project. A superficial approach to this sensitive issue requires the whole truth and present all the facts are not diminishing the importance of anti-fascism and anti-Nazism in stopping the greatest evil of mankind, from which emerged the Second World War and its tragic consequences for all people of the world. / The association HRV, president of Nenad Šantalab /